Friday, June 14, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday

A fun meme hosted at Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read. It lets us book bloggers discover each other and say "HI!"
This week's featured blogs are:

This week's question:

Activity: Spine Poetry. Create a line of poetry with your book spines (take a picture). Not feeling creative? Tell us about your favorite poem.
I gotta be honest here.  I hate poetry.  Like really, REALLY, R-E-A-L-L-Y hate it.  Yes, I know songs are poetry and yada, yada, yada.  Not the same.  So there's my take on it.  I have seen some really crative poems come out of this activity, but I just can't do it.  Sorry!  I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, I promise!!


  1. No worries, I'm not big into poetry either.
    Old follower :) Have a magical weekend!
    Here's my FF: Maria@Maria's Bookshelf

  2. Haha no worries :)
    new follower via gfc :)
    here's our FF

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  3. Not a problem! I'm not exactly good with poetry myself. My co-blogger's definitely better than I am. XD New follower via GFC!

    Feature and Follow Friday

  4. ACK! I am insulted o.O I love poetry! RAWR! But hey - to each their own. It's okay! :)

    Following you via GFC!

    Check out my FF post!

  5. Nice! Thanks for sharing :)

    new follower

  6. thanks for being honest!

    New follower here!

    btw, I live in the florida panhandle too!!

    Here's My FF

    Amber @Paradise of Pages

  7. I guess we can forgive you! I'm now following via BlogLovin' (since I hear that GFC is going away).

    You can find my poem here.
